
I’m a computer programmer from Sudbury Ontario - A place once used as a training ground for apollo 16 astronauts -

My first experience with coding came when I discovered open source programs, this eventually grew into a passion for coding and problem solving then system design and now project management, CI/CD, AI and Data Analysis.


I am dedicated to being as Responsible, Courageous, and Collaborative as possible in all aspects of my life.

  • Responsibility has many definitions, but my preferred definitions all involve consequences. Only from a complete understanding of the consequences our actions have on others and on ourselves can we better the world.

  • Courage is the capacity to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Courage is essential to living new experiences, challenging the norm, and thinking outside the box.

Humans are allergic to change. They love to say, “We’ve always done it this way.” - Grace Hopper 1

  • Collaboration is the ultimate productivity enhancer. in my personal experience, three line cooks will always outperform a single chef, no matter the difference in qualification.


Generally I prefer hobbies that help me stay active, starting with biking, but recently I have started taking spin and tabada classes along with daily yoga and meditations to keep my mind in shape.

When I have the time I also enjoy reading, a particularly memorable reading was Cyrano de Bergerac’s “L’Autre Monde: ou les États et Empires de la Lune” - one of the first instances science fiction stories, circa 1657 - in the original french.

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  1. Philip Schieber (1987). “The Wit and Wisdom of Grace Hopper”, OCLC newsletter, No 167 (https://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/Files/hopper-wit.html